
I've just finished designing my new "link to" banner for my Etsy shop. (And oui, my favorite artist is Rene Magritte, besides M.C. Escher, if you haven't already guessed. heh!)

So if you would like to link to my shop, please use this image. Do not link directly to it, but save it to your own computer. Thanks so much! :)

I will be putting it permanently on my sidebar --->

new quotes

I've been busy adding a few new journals to my literary quote series.

I apologize for the blurriness of some of this pics. If you click on them you can see a larger more clearer version. Here are a few more 'quoted journals' that I've added to my shop...

Noticing that I didn't have any travel-related quote journals, I thought I would add two new quotes - and personal favourites of mine - that would inspire the traveler in us all.