do your part to help H.E.L.P. spread global literacy

The crew of Bookbinding Etsy Street Time (B.E.S.T.) are using their bookbinding prowess by donating their handmade books, to help H.E.L.P. spread global literacy.

H.E.L.P. International is a charity that promotes international health, education and literacy. Buy a specified book listed for charity on Etsy (search for "charity" or "bestbooks"), and 100% of the proceeds (less shipping costs) will be donated to H.E.L.P International.

Here is my donated book, with a quote from one of my favourite poets - Emily Dickinson. It just seemed fitting for the event:


  1. Great quote! Really fits the charity event.

  2. Thank you! It's one of my personal favorites of Dickinson! :)

  3. Thank you for visiting my blog. I've really enjoyed yours and the many links to others you offer. Your leather books are lovely. I'd like to try the long-stitch binding myself. The H.E.L.P. books are all beautiful also. Seems like a great group you have going there.


  4. Thank you so much Dana! :)

  5. Great post... dude
